Recommended Reading

Tommy Christopher at Shareblue: In a final insult, the FBI had no probable cause for warrant that reopened email story.

Alison R. Parker at Shareblue: Michelle Obama on the need for resilience and hope.

John Hudson, Paul McLeary, and Dan De Luce at Foreign Policy: Russia missing from Trump's top defense priorities, according to DoD memo.

Tommy Christopher at Shareblue: McConnell laughably claims Russia will be "disappointed" with Trump's cabinet.

Yessenia Funes at Colorlines: Flint investigation quietly ends without new findings or policy.

Alison R. Parker at Shareblue: Obama announces ban on offshore Arctic and Atlantic Seaboard drilling.

[Content Note: War on agency] Christina Cauterucci at Slate: Poll: Women should be punished for abortions, say 39 percent of Trump voters.

[CN: War on agency] Jessica Mason Pieklo at Rewire: 2017 will be another monster year for reproductive rights battles.

[CN: Explosion; death; injury] David Agren at The Guardian: Mexico fireworks market explosion leaves at least 26 dead.

John Sharp at Mobile official apologizes for Christmas tree at Trump rally removed from public park.

Andy Towle at Towleroad: Scientists film 'ghost shark' with retractable sex organ on its head, for first time.

[CN: Images of creepy sea critters at link] Matt Novak at Gizmodo: This deep sea fisherman posts his discoveries on Twitter and OH MY GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE (LOLOLOLOLOLOL!) (Personally, I think they're really cool.) (Your milage may vary!)

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