Quote of the Day
"I have given quite a few speeches since the election and inevitably some variation of this 'reaching out' issue is raised in the form of a question, and my answer is always the same: The Enlightenment must never bow to the Inquisition. Recognizing and even celebrating individual identity groups doesn't make America weaker; it makes America stronger. Acknowledging that identity groups have not always been—and indeed, continue not to be—treated equally in this country should not be a cause for agitation, but a call to action. Parity is not born of forced erasure but rather respectful subsumption. ...If my difference frightens you, you have a problem, not me. If my discussion of my pain makes you ill at ease, you have a problem, not me. If you feel that the excavation of my history presages the burial of yours, then you have a problem, not me. ...The women's marches sent a clear signal: Your comfort will not be built on our constriction. We are America. We are loud, 'nasty' and fed up. We are motivated dissidents and we are legion."—Charles M. Blow, in the New York Times today. I strongly encourage you to read his entire piece, which is stunning and important and put air into my lungs.
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