The Brokenest of Broken Records Breaks Again

[Content Note: Authoritarianism.]

A number of people are asking me how to resist. Although I will make occasional recommendations (for example), I can't tell any other person what their resistance should look like. Each person has a different set of capabilities; a different level of safety; a different set of talents; a different number of spoons. How one protests in a small, rural town might look very different from how one protests in a big city that's a major media center.

I only know what my resistance can and will look like. Each person needs to look inside themselves to define what theirs will. (Though certainly there are plenty of people who will offer good advice!)

And, to be honest, you don't want me to define your resistance for you, because then you'd be limited by the boundaries of my imagination. Would I have conjured a national park resisting by tweeting facts? Nope! But that is a brilliant and important act of resistance.

All I will say is this: In an environment of official neglect, demoralization, and division, survival itself is an act of resistance. Staying engaged is an act of resistance. Building community is an act of resistance.

If there is nothing else you are able to do to resist, just hang the fuck on, as hard as you can. And that will be good enough.

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