Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post: "An existential moment for the Euro-American alliance."
I strongly encourage you to read the whole thing, but I want to highlight this passage:
In the past few weeks, some of America's oldest and closest allies in Europe have begun to fear that Trump's White House may not just neglect them, which has happened often enough in the past, but actually seek to undermine them and their institutions. The link between Trump, his senior counselor and chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon and Breitbart News, the website Bannon was running until he went to work for Trump, is what worries them most. Flush from its success in the United States, Breitbart now seeks to monetize anti-immigration and racist sentiment in Europe, too, promoting it, selling it and using it to elect populist politicians who are just as skeptical of NATO as Trump, and who will do their best to destroy the European Union as well.This is a very big deal. The website that was, up until a few months ago, being run by Donald Trump's policy director is engaged in the destabilization of two key U.S. allies: France and Germany.
First up are Germany and France, where Breitbart has announced, in advance of imminent German and French elections, that it intends to open new German- and French-language websites. The worldview of these future sites can be predicted: Breitbart has produced gushing coverage of the National Front, the radical right-wing French political party that is openly funded by Russian money and that advocates, among other things, the end of NATO and a French withdrawal from the European Union.
Fuck. Just fuck.
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