Donald Trump has said he will announce his nominee for the Supreme Court tonight. The three frontrunners are all white dudes, and I apologize for not directing you to your fainting couches before sharing that news.
Because Trump is the anthropomorphization of an insatiable ego, he will naturally be making this announcement during primetime.
Unless, of course, the bottomless pit of pathetic need that is our president decides that it will suit his relentless need for attention to cancel tonight and get coverage for canceling, only to command more coverage for the announcement tomorrow.
But, for now, it's on schedule for tonight.
I'm sure whomever he chooses will be a nightmare dumpster fire, and that is the easiest prediction about Trump that I have ever made.
Will the Democrats filibuster? (They should!) Will they give his nominee a fair hearing? (They shouldn't!) Who even knows. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Anyway. Here's a thread for discussion tonight. Feel welcome to discuss the respective trash merits of the likely nominees, express your horror at the thought of a Trump-stacked court, say a prayer for Anthony Kennedy, or whatever you like, ahead of the announcement.
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