Melissa McCarthy Is a National Treasure

In case you missed it, Melissa McCarthy popped up unexpectedly on Saturday Night Live this weekend, as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, and it was absolutely amazing.

Video Description: Melissa McCarthy, outfitted as Sean Spicer, complete with ill-fitting suit, gives a press conference. Her impersonation is hilarious, as she hits all the recognizable Spicer Greatest Hits, from chomping gum to accusing the media of using words that the administration only repeats to engaging in rank bigotry to defend Trump's bigoted policies and statements. At one point, she lifts the podium and uses it as a makeshift weapon against reporters. In the middle, Kate McKinnon appears as Betsy DeVos, who is unable to answer any questions about education policy, and suggests there should be a "Jesus school." By the end, McCarthy' Spicer is just shooting reporters with a water gun.
I have watched this at least a dozen times already, and I cry with laughter every time.

There isn't much about which I've found to laugh these past couple of weeks, so this was very, very welcome indeed.

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