Today in Our Media Is Hopeless

[Image in Tweet is the cover of Time magazine, which features a close-up image of Senator Chuck Schumer's face and text reading: "Do the Democrats matter?"]

Hey, Time—FUCK YOU.

There are about a dozen different reasons I hate this with the fiery passion of ten thousand suns, but the two that are fighting for top of the list at the moment are:

1. "Democrats" does not just refer to elected Democrats. It refers to the millions of rank-and-file party members across the nation. And putting the Senate Democratic Leader's face on the cover doesn't change that. It is colossally irresponsible and callous to ask if any of the millions of human beings who identify as Democrats across this nation "matter."

2. The Trump administration and his abetting conspirators in the Republican Senate and House caucuses are endeavoring in every conceivable way to make sure that Democrats don't matter. That seems a rather more important story to me than asking about the Democrats' inherent relevance.

Our media is fucking hopeless. We have a white supremacist authoritarian in the White House and, instead of reckoning with that in a meaningful way 100% of the damn time, they want to pull shit like this.

We are losing our country, and wide swaths of our garbage press (with a few notable exceptions of responsible journalists doing their damn jobs) is a big part of the reason why.

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