I'm so tired of hearing the GOP say "you can pick your doctor," ignoring that healthcare providers choose what insurance plans they accept.
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) March 14, 2017
Listening to the Republicans try to sell their Trumpcare Trash plan is genuinely painful. Not only because of their intractable indifference to people's lives, but because nothing they say is true.
I am at the end of my rope with the myriad shameless lies they are using to promote this heap of garbage, from lies about Obamacare, to lies about how insurance works, to lies about what being poor and in need of healthcare access actually looks like.
In addition to the lie about "choosing one's own doctor," above, the other one that's doing me in right now is this "patient-centered healthcare" rubbish. "Patient-centered healthcare" means nothing. Especially to people with transgressive bodies who struggle to find healthcare providers who truly see us. Which is to say nothing of the fact there can be no such thing as "patient-centered healthcare" as long as healthcare is run through for-profit insurance companies.
Anyway. Which healthcare lies are driving you to distraction as you listen to this swill?
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