Shaker Gourmet
Whatcha been cooking up in your kitchen lately, Shakers?
Share your favorite recipes, solicit good recipes, share recipes you've recently tried, want to try, are trying to perfect, whatever! Whether they're your own creation, or something you found elsewhere, share away.
Also welcome: Recipes you've seen recently that you'd love to try, but haven't yet!
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This steak dinner for two with scalloped potatoes and bacon avocado caesar salad looks so fucking delicious. My mouth was watering just watching the video and reading the recipe.
I will probably never make it, lol, but damn it looks amazing. And I figured I'd pass it along, in case anyone was looking for a good meat-and-potatoes kind of recipe for a date night at home.
Share your favorite recipes, solicit good recipes, share recipes you've recently tried, want to try, are trying to perfect, whatever! Whether they're your own creation, or something you found elsewhere, share away.
Also welcome: Recipes you've seen recently that you'd love to try, but haven't yet!
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This steak dinner for two with scalloped potatoes and bacon avocado caesar salad looks so fucking delicious. My mouth was watering just watching the video and reading the recipe.
I will probably never make it, lol, but damn it looks amazing. And I figured I'd pass it along, in case anyone was looking for a good meat-and-potatoes kind of recipe for a date night at home.
Shaker Gourmet
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