Eric Plutzer and Michael Berkman at the Washington Post: New Poll: Only 3% of Trump Voters Regret Their Vote.
There is no comparison in this article to previous polling about voting regrets 60 days into a president's administration, quite possibly because such polling has never been done. (Which itself is telling.)
Without that comparison, we have no idea if three percent is historically a high or a low number. It just sits there without context. It's "only" three percent compared to one hundred percent.
The authors note that "media attention to the #trumpregrets phenomenon is very misleading. For Trump's supporters, any news reports that his first weeks as president have been rocky, unpresidential, or worse have hardly mattered. There is virtually no regret."
But there is also no mention in this article that Trump's approval rating now sits at 39 percent, having plummeted six points in nine days. How does that interact with voting regret? Is one a clearer measure of support for Trump than the other?
It is indeed foolish to overstate the abandonment of Trump by his hardcore supporters. But it's misleading to suggest that three percent is a virtually incidental number.
Three percent of Trump's popular vote total of 62,979,636 translates into 1,889,389 people.
One headline is: "Only 3% of Trump Voters Regret Their Vote."
Another is: "Almost Two Million Trump Voters Regret Their Vote Only 60 Days into His Presidency."
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