Marc Fisher at the Washington Post: Glenn Beck Wants to Heal the America He Divided—One Hug at a Time.
I have no idea whether Beck's shiny new contrition is legitimate or whether it's just contrived self-reinvention to try to sell a new brand. And I don't care. He can go tell people to be nicer to each other all day long if that's how he wants to spend his time, but he can keep his goddamned hugs to himself.
I found this passage interesting, for the unintentional insight it provides into how Beck's Redemption Tour works.
Another new friend is the liberal TBS comedy show host Samantha Bee, whose program, "Full Frontal With Samantha Bee," he went on in December.So, Beck's audience would like to stab Bee, and Bee's audience wants to kill her. What a cool point of agreement: Both audiences agree that Bee should come to harm for their meeting of the minds.
"My audience would like to stab you relentlessly in the eye," Beck told Bee.
"My audience wants to kill me for normalizing a lunatic like yourself," Bee replied.
Then they fed each other cake.
Glenn Beck, the man who spent years doing untold damage with his vile bigotry and outright lies, just gets to eat cake.
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