Discussion Thread: Good Things

One of the ways we resist the demoralization and despair in which exploiters of fear like Trump thrive is to keep talking about the good things in our lives.

Because, even though it feels very much (and rightly so) like we are losing so many things we value, there are still daily moments of joy or achievement or love or empowering ferocity or other kinds of fulfillment.

Maybe you've experienced something big worth celebrating; maybe you've just had a precious moment of contentment; maybe getting out of bed this morning was a success worthy of mention.

News items worth celebrating are also welcome.

So, whatever you have to share that's good, here's a place to do it.

* * *

Here are seven random pix of some good things from my week off, for those who would like to see them...

image of small white jellyfish
Tiny jellyfish, floating. I posted video of the larger jellies here.

image of seahorses, two of whom are holding each other's tails
Seahorses, holding each other's tails.

image of a stingray
A stingray, who followed me and acted like a total clown, to get my attention.

image of light at dusk falling across the open closet door of my bedroom
View from my bed at dusk, after post-closet organization collapse.

image of a bright moon through clouds
The most beautiful moon.

image of the tips of hostas poking up through the dirt in my garden
Hostas emerging from the earth in my garden, looking like wee purple mountains.

image of my feet resting on the arm of Deeky's sofa
Kicking back with my feet up at Deeks' house.

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