Trump's New Syria Policy: Regime Change. Or Not.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Worse yet, this casual announcement of a major policy shift was in the middle of a conversation in which Trump sounds just as clueless as ever on Syria.

Trump is beating the war drum for a couple of reasons: 1. Because he is a warmonger who thinks diplomacy is evidence of weakness; 2. He has no idea what else to do; 3. It's a distraction from the fact that his administration is in chaos and under multiple investigations for collusion with Russia.

And as absurdly unserious as Trump himself and his incoherent posturing are, we must take this seriously, because he is the president, surrounded with warmongers and abetted by a Republican majority in Congress who will rubber-stamp anything he proposes.

What's important to understand is that even saying something like this is a BFD, even if he reverses course tomorrow.

I am genuinely alarmed.

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