The CBO Score on Trumpcare Is Out, and It's Awful

The Congressional Budget Office released its report on the final project cost and consequences of the Republican healthcare [sic] bill, which passed the House earlier this month, because Donald Trump wanted a win, at any cost.

And to absolutely no one's surprise, the CBO found that the bill is a stinking piece of shit.

Hands-down, NARAL had the best response to the report:

If you can't view the image embedded in the tweet, it's a photo of a literal dumpster fire.

I don't know what I can say that I haven't already said countless times. The Republican Party are a bunch of fucking ghouls. I don't know what could better illustrate the depth of their depravity than this response to the CBO from "moderate" Republican Senator Lindsey Graham:

What Graham is advocating here, in case it isn't clear, is doing everything they can to ensure that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) fails so they can then justify replacing it.

They refuse to work with Democrats on fixing the ACA to make sure it works and to expand access for people who still aren't covered. And they refuse to do that for no other reason than because they don't want President Obama's signature initiative to be a success.

The Republican Party will let people die in order to deny Obama a deserved legacy of expanding healthcare access.

If that doesn't convey precisely the scope of the Republican Party's obscene contempt for the people of this nation, I can't imagine what would.

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