Trump Lives on Another Planet

A planet on which every boy and girl has a gold-plated toilet of their very own and where Michael Flynn might come back to work at the White House someday:
But Trump doesn't just hope that Flynn will beat the rap. Several sources close to Flynn and to the administration tell The Daily Beast that Trump has expressed his hopes that a resolution of the FBI's investigation in Flynn's favor might allow Flynn to rejoin the White House in some capacity—a scenario some of Trump's closest advisers in and outside the West Wing have assured him absolutely should not happen.
Holy shit. HOLY SHIT.

It's also a planet on which the Special Counsel is a terrible idea because "it shows we're a divided, mixed-up, not-unified country."

I'm pretty sure it's having a president who is a disloyal scofflaw but whose party and base will protect him at any cost that shows we're a divided, mixed-up, not-unified country, but what do I know. I literally don't even own a single gold toilet.

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