Comey to Testify Today

image of James Comey standing in a Congressional hearing room, buttoning his jacket, with his chin lifted rather haughtily, to which I've added text reading: 'Here we go.'

Today, starting at 10:00 AM EDT, former FBI Director James Comey will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and Donald Trump's attempts to disrupt investigation thereof.

If you are in search of online streaming, here is the C-SPAN link where his testimony will be broadcast.

And here is my piece about his prepared openning remarks, which were made public yesterday, apparently at his request.

Because I am the brokenest of broken records, I will just caution once more—especially for people who didn't go through Fitzmas, whether because of youth or inattention—to maintain reasonable expectations about what will come out of today's hearing. It probably won't be explosive, and, even if it is, there is no guarantee of consequences, given that Republicans are the ruling majority on the committee.

I'm not trying to be a downer. Be cautiously optimistic that our democratic institutions are still capable of functioning as they should! I'm just seeing a lot of what I would classify as overexcitement and unrealistic expectations about what will happen today, even and especially from journalists who should know better, so, for people who trust my experience and rely on my assessments, I just want to encourage a more measured approach to today.

(And if there are any bombshells, remember that the legal fallout will not happen today; it will take time, if it comes at all.)

Anyway! This thread will serve as the central discussion point before and during Comey's testimony, which begins shortly.

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