Inspiring Acts of Resistance

image of stormclouds over a field of flowers, to which I've added text reading: RESISTANCE IS FERTILE
Since there is so much to resist every day, here is a thread in which we can talk about the things we're seeing other people doing—or the things we're doing ourselves—as both inspiration, suggestion, and a bulwark against despair.

Share things you have seen that moved you, or actions you are taking. Please also feel welcome and encouraged to share links to Twitter users and/or news sites engaged in resistance that you recommend following.

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Today, I'll give a shout-out to the Handmaid's Tale protesters who showed up at the U.S. Capitol yesterday to protest the Republicans' "healthcare" bill.


High-five to the Texas ladies, including my friends @meadowgirl and @ohthemaryd, who started this particular act of resistance.

Not all superheroes wear capes. BUT SOME DO.

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