Keep Making Calls for Healthcare!

The Republicans' healthcare "reform" bill is still not dead, despite its overwhelming unpopularity. To the absolute contrary, the Senate GOP is still trying to finagle compromises so that they find a way to pass the disgusting thing.
McConnell is speeding toward a vote, with the goal of passing a healthcare bill the last week of June, before the Fourth of July recess.

Republicans have said there will be no committee hearings or markups for the bill, a major departure from the standard Senate process. Instead, the bill will go straight to the floor for a vote.

Democrats fear the legislation will be kept secret until just a couple of days before the vote, to minimize time for opposition to build.

"13 Republican men are meeting in secret to make a healthcare plan," Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) wrote on Twitter on Friday. "Their plan is to do it so fast we can't stop them. Stop them."

To that end, check out TrumpCare Ten and 5 Calls for targeted action items.

Pick up your phone and call your Senators, to ask them to vote no on the GOP healthcare bill; or to confirm they are voting no and to register your support.

Making calls is the most important, because they tend to pay the most attention to how busy their phone lines are, but don't let that stop you from faxing, emailing, tweeting, and commenting on their Facebook pages, too.

MAKE NOISE, however you can, because lives depend on it.


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