The Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by the echo of a familiar song.

Recommended Reading:

Carey Purcell: [Content Note: Sexual assault] The GOP's Health-Care Bill Is Absurdly Cruel to Sexual Assault Victims

Divya Ghelani: [CN: Fire; death; neglect] Grenfell Tower: 'There Are Only the Deliberately Silent, or the Preferably Unheard'

Eillie Anzilotti: A Higher Minimum Wage Is Not Doing the Bad Things Critics Said It Would Do

Keith Reid-Cleveland: [CN: Sexual assault] Bill Cosby Wants to Lecture People on Sexual Assault, Seriously

Kaiser: Nancy Pelosi Is Not Your Mommy; Stop Blaming Her for Everything

Ragen Chastain: [CN: Fat hatred] How Mamamia's Treatment of Roxane Gay Reveals the Fatphobia in Feminist Spaces

Michael Fitzgerald: [CN: Nazism; homophobia; internment] Lawmakers to Annul Convictions of 50,000 Gay Men in Nazi-Era Germany

Dave Holmes: [CN: Spoilers; sexual assault; death] The Book of Henry Is the Best Worst Movie of the Year

Rae Paoletta: The Dumbo Octopus Is Eight Cute Legs of Stone Cold Murder

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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