Confirmation of the Fait Accompli

This is it, folks. We are officially fucked. The Russian Foreign Minister has made the incredible announcement that a "joint working group" between the U.S. and Russia will be established to work on cybersecurity issues, even as one of the biggest news stories of the day is that Russia is the chief suspect in a series of breaches at U.S. power plants, including nuclear facilities.

It's unthinkable. And yet here we are.

Lavrov explained that "Trump said he heard Putin's statements that Russia didn't hack election and accepts them."

I have repeatedly outlined my concerns about how Donald Trump's war on the intelligence community had led to what is effectively dueling coups between the Trump administration and the national security bureaucrats. I suspect that this latest indignity will lead to all-out war between the administration and the intelligence community — though, at this point, it's too late. The only point now is vengeance.

And the only potential salvation for us is the 2018 midterms, which Mike Pence is diligently working on rigging in the Republicans' favor, so.

If you suspected that today's meeting between Trump and Putin was to seal the coup with a chat and handshake, I regret to inform you that you were correct.

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