Senate Healthcare Open Thread

It's not clear at the moment what is happening with the Senate healthcare bill today — although Rand Paul tweeted that Mitch McConnell informed him the plan is to vote on a clean repeal.

That, by way of reminder, is the worst of the proposed options: The CBO estimated it would leave 32 million more people uninsured by 2026.

There are also reports that McConnell could try to push through what's being called a "skinny repeal," in which the goal is to repeal the individual mandate, the employer mandate, and the medical device tax.

Also note, the "skinny repeal" option includes passing the bill then conferencing with the House "to work out a bill."

I can't emphasize this enough: Passing legislation and then writing it is authoritarianism. It is not democracy.

Things continue to move. Here's a thread for discussion, info-sharing, and updates.

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