Take Action to Preserve Net Neutrality Today

Dominic Rushe at the Guardian:
Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, and a host of other tech giants will join with online activists, librarians, minority rights, and free speech groups today in a day of protest against the Trump administration's plans to roll back rules in what critics charge is a "war on the open internet."

The "day of action" — which supporters claim will be the largest online protest in history — comes as the new head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the US telecoms and media watchdog, prepares to defang tough rules protecting internet access in the US following pressure from cable companies and other internet service providers (ISPs).

Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight For the Future, the not-for-profit group organizing the day of action, said the protest came at a critical moment for the internet. "The internet has had a profoundly democratizing impact on our society. If we lose these protections, then we will lose all that diversity," she said.
In an era where online organizing is so crucial to fighting back, and online communities indispensible to so many of us, the idea of Net Neutrality being rescinded is absolutely chilling.

We need to make calls to preserve Net Neutrality NOW.

If you are in the U.S., contact your senators and representatives, even if they are Republican, and let them know you want and expect them to preserve Net Neutrality.

Script: "I'm calling to let [elected official] know that I am very concerned about the erosion of Net Neutrality. I want and expect [elected official] to side with internet users and defend Net Neutrality."

This is urgent. We need to make noise — and lots of it.

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