The New Who

The thirteenth Dr. Who was revealed over the weekend in a perfect announcement video:

A cloaked figure walks through the woods. Ominous music. The figure lifts their hand and opens it, palm up. Electrical crackle. A key appears. The figure pulls back the hood of the cloak, revealing...a woman! She smiles and walks toward the TARDIS. Text onscreen: "Introducing Jodie Whittaker: The 13th Doctor." BBC logo.
Cue the high-frequency caterwauling of millions of misogynist dude-nerds!

I'm not going to recount any of their execrable complaining here. I don't even need to — whatever you're imagining, I assure you it's correct. They are as predictable as they are pathetic.

You already know how I feel about the sort of people who can dream up or dive into fantastical worlds filled with abundant magic and conjured technologies and fictional beings, but can't stretch their brains far enough to imagine a woman as a hero. But let me just go ahead and express my feelings once more, for the record.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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