This Is Our Reality Now

Last night, Rachel Maddow used the A-block of her show to tell the tale of receiving a document, ostensibly a top secret document, which she now believes is an elaborate fraud designed to trick her into reporting on something false, in order to discredit her, MSNBC, the mainstream media generally, and the investigation into Donald Trump and his associates' potential collusion with Russia.

She starts the segment noting that she is telling the tale of receiving and assessing the document as a warning to other news outlets: Someone is peddling counterfeit documents apparently in the hope of tricking reporters and undermining their credibility.

This is a warning to news consumers, too. Scrutinize everything carefully.

And it is a warning to us as citizens. This is our reality now. And we have to understand the new threats we are facing as a nation.

[The complete transcript will be available here, once it has been posted.]

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