So, some conservative asshole wrote a thing (to which I'm not linking, because fuck that guy) about how Donald Trump's 11-year-old son Barron Trump needs to start "dressing like he's in the White House" after the kid wore t-shirts and shorts on Air Force One over the weekend.
First of all: No.
Second of all: Nope.
Thirdly: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Fourth, fully 67% of the sentient beings in the multiverse have already weighed in on why picking on the way an 11-year-old kid dresses is just the most colossal jerk move ever, because HE IS A CHILD ON HIS SUMMER VACATION, and also WHO CARES SHUT UP YOU GARBAGE BULLY, so let me just add this point: Donald Trump wears a suit in the White House every goddamned day and they don't magically make him behave as though he is a decent and competent president.
What's even the point of demanding that anyone ever dress any way, really?
That's not how clothes work, and also stoppppppppp.
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