Question of the Day
Suggested by Shaker yazikus: "What is your road-trip CD list?"
One of the things I love to do when making a road-trip mix is pick artists that come from the place(s) to which I'm traveling and/or through which I'm traveling on the way to my destination.
So, for example, when Iain and I were still living in Indiana and made a road-trip to visit the Space Cowpokes in New Jersey, I picked a few artists from Ohio for our trip through Ohio, then a lot of artists from Pennsylvania for our trip across Pennsylvania (it's a big state!), and then we ended on artists from Jersey: Bon Jovi, Whitney Houston, The Misfits, The Fugees, Gloria Gaynor, Queen Latifah, Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce.
One of the things I love to do when making a road-trip mix is pick artists that come from the place(s) to which I'm traveling and/or through which I'm traveling on the way to my destination.
So, for example, when Iain and I were still living in Indiana and made a road-trip to visit the Space Cowpokes in New Jersey, I picked a few artists from Ohio for our trip through Ohio, then a lot of artists from Pennsylvania for our trip across Pennsylvania (it's a big state!), and then we ended on artists from Jersey: Bon Jovi, Whitney Houston, The Misfits, The Fugees, Gloria Gaynor, Queen Latifah, Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce.
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