Shame on Everyone Who Abets Donald Trump

[Image is text from a New York Times article reading: "No word in the Trump lexicon is as tread-worn as 'unprecedented.' But members of the president's staff, stunned and disheartened, said they never expected to hear such a voluble articulation of opinions that the president had long expressed in private."]

Shame on every single person working for this despicable man. Shame on each of them for working to advance his sickening agenda. Shame on all of them for tolerating his divisive, damaging, dangerous bigotries (and likely sharing them), but squirming about his making them public, because it makes their extremely privileged lives awkward.

Shame on this fucking guy.

[Image is Mike Pence staring at Donald Trump while he is speaking, as they both sit at a table together.]

Shame on the media who treated Trump like entertainment and spectacle; who covered the campaign by only scrutinizing optics and barely addressing policy; who did not meaningfully explore Trump's evident bigotry; who cynically recast his supporters' bigotry as "economic insecurity"; who did not make plain that "Make America Great Again" is a thinly veiled white supremacist slogan and that "America First" is an anti-Semitic phrase; who did not incessantly detail Trump's personal history of white supremacy, including housing discrimination, his campaign against the Central Park Five, his birther crusade against President Barack Obama, his support of eugenics, his gross campaign announcement address, his entire campaign of dogwhistled and bullhorned racism.

Shame on the media for giving seemingly endless airtime to an empty podium awaiting Trump's presence.

screen cap of CNN coverage showing an empty podium with an all-caps chyron reading: 'IN MINUTES: TRUMP UNLEASHES CLINTON ATTACK SPEECH'

Shame on everyone who said — and are saying still —that there is no difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

What we saw from Trump yesterday was hideous and contemptible and appalling, but it was not surprising. That is who Trump is. It is who he has been his whole life; it is who he declared himself to be when running for president; it is who he has been straight through every day of his presidency.

And yet millions of people chose to abet his ascendancy and choose to abet him still.

Shame on him, and shame on them.

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