So the President Gave a Speech Last Night...

Donald Trump gave a primetime address last night, during which he was supposed to outline his new plan for the Afghanistan conflict. If you missed it, video and a link to the full transcript are below. Trump's speech starts just after minute 33 in the video.


The long and the short of it is that Trump said we're going to commit more troops, that we're going to "attack," and that we're going to kill terrorists, but he won't say how many troops, where, or when.

He peppered his planless plan with a lot of belligerence toward Pakistan, as it was reported he would do. He failed to mention that he eliminated a key diplomatic position in the region.

He stuck to the teleprompter, on which there was a speech written by people who seem to have very little solid understanding of foreign policy delivered by a man who seems to have even less understanding of foreign policy.

Afterwards, there were still members of the press who insisted on playing the Presidential Pivot game.

And that's about it. Trump flip-flopped on Afghanistan, and justified his reversal by saying, "We are not nation-building again; we're killing terrorists."

Because he's not the kind of guy who would change his mind for some silly bullshit like helping people. Only for killing people.


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