Solar Eclipse Day!

image of a solar eclipse

It has finally arrived — the much-discussed day on which parts of the United States will be able to witness a total solar eclipse. In case you haven't heard yet, DON'T LOOK AT IT WITH YOUR NAKED EYES!

Care of NASA, here is a video (no audio) showing the path of the eclipse across the U.S.:

At the L.A. Times, Jon Schleuss has everything you need to know about the eclipse, including a countdown clock to when it'll be over your head, and what percentage of the eclipse you'll see.

[Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] And at Time, Jeffrey Kluger writes on "The Beauty and Science of a Total Solar Eclipse."

Please feel welcome and encouraged to share neat things you've been reading on the eclipse, how you plan to spend the day, whether you're going to make an effort to see it, and any other eclipse-related goodness in comments!

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