Trump Is a Terrible Person and a Terrible President

At the Washington Post, Jenna Johnson succinctly summarizes the shitshow we've all been witnessing as Donald Trump fails his basic duties as a president and as a human being during Hurricane Harvey:
Yet again, Trump managed to turn attention on himself. His responses to the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey have been more focused on the power of the storm and his administration's response than on the millions of Texans whose lives have been dramatically altered by the floodwaters.

He has talked favorably about the higher television ratings that come with hurricane coverage, predicted that he will soon be congratulating himself and used 16 exclamation points in 22 often breathless tweets about the storm. But as of late Tuesday afternoon, the president had yet to mention those killed, call on other Americans to help or directly encourage donations to relief organizations.

...At a news conference Monday, Trump continued to gush over the storm. "I've heard the words, 'epic.' I've heard 'historic.' That's what it is," he said, adding that the hurricane will make Texas stronger and the rebuilding effort "will be something very special."
What a disgusting person he is.

And even now, even now, there are members of his party and members of the press who are still willing to afford him the good faith of assuming he's just getting the messaging wrong, as opposed to being a compassionless wreck whose only interest in a catastrophic storm is how much its vast destruction delights him.

Last night, I heard a cable news anchor say the actual words: "Trump failed to tap into his empathetic side in Texas."

The people affected by Hurricane Harvey are in my thoughts — and among those thoughts is this: I am truly sorry that our president is such a dirtbag.

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