Trump's "Tax Reform" Speech Is Another Dumpster Fire

screenshot of MSNBC while Trump was giving his tax reform address; the chyron reads: 'TRUMP TALKS TAXES AS GULF DEATH TOLL CLIMBS TO 19'
[Image via Igor Volsky.]

Earlier today, I noted that Donald Trump would be delivering a speech in Springfield, Missouri, introducing his tax reform before a captive audience of employees of Springfield's largest manufacturer. He just gave that speech, and it was exactly as terrible as you'd expect.

This is why tax reform must dramatically simplify the tax code. Eliminate special interest loopholes. And I'm speaking against myself when I do this, I have to tell you. And I might be speaking against Mr. Cook [of the Loren Cook Company, where Trump was speaking] and we're both okay with it, is that right? It's crazy. We're speaking— Maybe we shouldn't be doing this, you know? But we're doing the right thing.

As Trump wrapped up his speech, Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted: "@POTUS is absolutely right. America's tax code is way too complicated. Congress is committed to working w/ the @WhiteHouse to simplify it."

And meanwhile:

Situation Normal: All Fucked Up.

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