Two New Suits Will Immediately Challenge Trump's Trans Military Ban

As part of his weekend of vile decisions, Donald Trump issued a memorandum following through on his threat to ban transgender people from serving openly in the U.S. military.

He directed the military to halt the directive formulated during President Barack Obama's administration that allowed transgender people to be recruited by and serve in the armed forces; he banned the Department of Defense from using any of its resources to fund medical regimens and/or transition healthcare for trans service members; and, per a White House official, he directed the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security "to determine how to address transgender individuals currently serving based on military effectiveness and lethality, unitary cohesion, budgetary constraints, applicable law, and all factors that may be relevant."

Never mind that similar or exact such studies have been long completed, having served as the justification for the Obama-era rule opening military service to out trans individuals.

This is all terrible news, indicative of Trump's ignorance and malice.

However, in good news that is only good news relative to that terrible news and wouldn't even have to exist if Trump were not a shitty human being and shitty president, two lawsuits have already been filed to challenge the constitutionality of Trump's ban.

Lambda Legal and the ACLU join other organizations already challenging Trump's transgender ban, as the Executive Director of GLADLaw reminds us.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to call your Senators and Representative today and let them know you would like them to issue a strong statement in support of transgender service members, as Senator Tammy Duckworth did.

That's what real leadership looks like.

In stark juxtaposition to the cowardice and cruelty being demonstrated by our deplorable president.

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