"I believe that Donald Trump poses a clear and present danger to our democracy, to our institutions, to the rule of law, to the civil rights and human rights of so many Americans, to the economic distribution of wealth — which is already skewed out of proportion to where it should be. I tried to say that during the campaign, and I tried to warn people, because I actually believed him. I believed that he would follow through. There were lots who said, 'Oh, he never will! He's not going to do all those things he said about building a wall and immigrants and the like.' And I thought he was getting so indebted to a minority in our country, but a vocal, very determined minority, that was going to try to hold him to his campaign promises — and nothing I've seen in the last months, ever since he took office, has made me feel much better."—Hillary Clinton, during a terrific interview with NPR's Terry Gross, on Fresh Air.
You can listen to the entire interview here, and a complete transcript is available here.
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