Senate GOP Wants Healthcare Vote in One Week

Caitlin Owens at Axios reports that "Senate leadership is aiming to start voting on the Cassidy-Graham health care plan next Wednesday."
"I think so. I think that's the likely thing," Sen. Roy Blunt, a member of leadership, told me.

Leadership is still trying to figure out where each senator stands.

The vehicle Republicans are using to pass the bill with only a 50-vote threshold expires next Saturday.

..."Some don't want to take another tough vote if the whole team (or at least 50) isn't on board. Some say we can't get this close and not try by forcing the vote — make people identify where they are. I think the 'vote no matter what' school is winning out," a senior GOP aide said.
What we know is that they will definitely try to force a vote before next Saturday, because of the simple majority window. What we don't know is whether we'll actually have a full week to organize a robust opposition that sways enough Republican Senators to deny them that simple majority.

They may be saying Wednesday, but actually planning for something sooner.

What that means: MAKE YOUR CALLS NOW.

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