Last month, I posted the first swimming thread, which was one of my favorite threads since last November, lolsob.
As I said then, because of the great feedback and conversations I've had since I started talking more about swimming, I'm going to keep talking about it and opening up space for other people to talk about it, too — whether it's sharing their own feelings about swimming, grousing about lack of accessibility, asking questions about how to dive in (literally), or anything else.
So, here's another swimming thread!
In comments the last time, Shaker ethel mentioned Aquagoggles, which are prescription goggles that sell for $24 plus shipping. That is much cheaper than the contact lenses I buy, primarily (and almost exclusively) for use while swimming, so I decided to give them a try.
I like them a whole lot! They aren't precise prescription lenses, which is how they keep the price so low, but they are close enough that they work perfectly for my purposes.
My only issue with them, which isn't a function of the goggles themselves, is that I can't see my way around the showers without them on, and I have very poor vision without prescription lenses of any kind. I don't love wearing my glasses into the shower, so I'm still sorting that out, but, like I said, that's not about the goggles!
In sum: A big thumbs up to Aquagoggles, and a big thank you to ethel for the recommendation. Thanks, ethel!
As before, please use this thread for all swimming-related discussion, and I am happy to answer any and all questions around being a fat woman who swims: How I navigate the locker room, what strokes I do, how I deal with shitty looks and comments, what's the best suit cut for what body shape to cover all the bits, anything.
Have at it in comments!
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