[Explanations: lol your fat. pathetic anger bread. hey your gay.]
Belly up to the bar,
and be in this space together.
I've got a friend coming to visit, who will be here through the week after next, so I am (mostly) taking the next two weeks off.
To be frank, it's not only to visit with my dear friend, whom I am SO EXCITED to see, but also because I am burned out like whoa. I'm actually getting to the point where I have a physical reaction when I see a new piece of breaking news about Trump, like my body just literally can't take anymore, so it's definitely time for a serious pause.
Giving myself some extended time will re-energize me to continue the fight!
I will post fresh Open Threads every three days, so you'll still have a place to chat, share news, solicit advice, commiserate, exchange recipes, post cute animal photos, and all that good stuff.
I'll keep a reduced schedule on Twitter, which you can always follow in the sidebar, if you aren't on Twitter — and if I post anything critical, I'll try to remember to drop it into comments of the Open Thread.
Thanks to everyone who has sensed my fraying nerves and sent me encouraging words and supported my taking some time away. ♥
See you soon!
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