What Is David Clarke Doing?

[Content Note: Police brutality; video may autoplay at link.]

Last night, news broke that David Clarke resigned from his position as Milwaukee County sheriff, saying he wants "to pursue other opportunities."

Clarke, who has long been a Trump booster, is a nightmare. If you're not familiar with his record, his Wikipedia entry reads like a Greatest Hits of conservative talking points, vile policy positions, and deadly abuses of power conferred by the office from which he just resigned.

He is one of the extreme rightwing sheriffs, including the recently pardoned Joe Arpaio, who call themselves "constitutional sheriffs." The SPLC explains that is "not the benign label it appears, but rather signifies his membership in former sheriff Richard Mack's Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, the antigovernment organization that promotes the Posse Comitatus-derived belief, among others, that the county sheriff is the supreme law enforcement entity in the United States."

Upon news of his resignation, I tweeted: "Let's hope he's not resigning for a Cabinet appointment." And noted that the Secretary of Homeland Security position is still vacant, after John Kelly left to become Donald Trump's chief of staff. Shiver.

This morning, I see this headline at Politico: "Outgoing Sheriff Clarke Expected to Take Job in Trump Administration." Welp.
It's unclear what job Clarke will take in the administration, but one of the sources said he's expected to join the White House. Clarke likely won't be offered a Senate-confirmed role because his nomination would face opposition from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.
Which would rule out leading the Department of Homeland Security, at least. But his being offered a position that doesn't require Senate confirmation is even more chilling, because that was a line of last defense to stop him having a position of national authority at all.

At least now we know why Trump was hawking Clarke's book on Twitter just days ago, even though the book came out in March.

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