I'm Just Going to Put This Right Here

Because, at some point, it may be useful to have a record of this nepotistic monster publicly drooling over the thought of a show trial for his father's former political rival.

If you can't view the image embedded in the tweet, it's a screencap of a tweet published by Don Trump Jr., who has retweeted a Fox News tweet reading "FOX NEWS ALERT: DOJ lifts gag order, allows FBI informant to testify on Russian Uranium Deal in front of Congress," to which Don Jr. has added his own text reading: "Happy birthday Hillary" followed by a birthday cake emoji.

On Monday, I wrote that I was worried Hillary Clinton was being set up to be the "real traitor" who colluded with Russia and said, using the common parlance invoked to discredit Cassandras: "I know that sounds fucking crazy."

It shouldn't sound "fucking crazy" anymore.

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