Suggested by Shaker WeWantPie: "Which one of your favorite novels, movies, or TV shows would you like to be a character in (either one already present, or a new one), and, if you were, how would you be different from the other characters? Would you challenge them, support them, oppose them, or something else?"
Writes WeWantPie: "Me, as a diehard Lostie, I'd want to be an additional fuselage survivor/castaway on Lost. But I'd be a lefty-progressive 'Conservative' Jewish rabbi (quotation marks meant to emphasize the fact that Conservative Judaism is a religious denomination and does not indicate the political inclination of its congregants, who in the US tend overwhelmingly lefty-progressive). Overall, I loved the religious elements of Lost, but I thought it would have been much, much richer if there had been a Jewish element/perspective in the mix with Locke (as the non-denominational mystic) and Mr. Eko (as the penitent Catholic)."
That is a great question and a very interesting answer! My brain is seized trying to figure out if I'd rather be a character in the Star Wars universe or in Pawnee, Indiana.
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