image of thumbs up & thumbs down Shaker Thumbs

Shaker Thumbs is your opportunity to give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to a product or service you have used and that you'd recommend to other Shakers or warn them away from.

Today I'm giving a big thumbs-up to the OXO Stainless Steel Sink Organizer.

image of a sink organizer on my kitchen countertop, holding a liquid detergent dispenser, a pink sponge, a brush, and a scrubber
It's ridiculous how happy $20 and a trip to the Container Store can make me.

Note: I got the other stuff in the organizer separately, though each of those items are also sold at the Container Store. The brush was previously featured in this series!

I start virtually every day of my life scrubbing out three kitty bowls and two dog bowls, so having a nice, organized set of cleaning tools is a little way of making that chore more pleasant.

Anyway! Give us your thumbs-up or thumbs-down in comments!

[Just to be abundantly clear, I am not affiliated in any way with Oxo nor with the Container Store, nor am I receiving any form of payment from either of them. It's just a product I've personally found super useful and am happy to recommend.]

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