
image of some of the primary characters from the film 'Thor: Ragnarok'

Look, I know there are a lot of important things happening in the world right now, but we need to talk about Thor: Ragnarok for just a moment.

At least long enough for me to say: Go see it!!! OMG IT IS SO GREAT.

I was in the shittiest mood last night, but we already had tickets to see it with a group of friends, so I dragged my grumpy ass to the theater with very low expectations, lol. And I walked out with the biggest grin on my face!

A lot of the important things happening in the world right now are pretty fucking grim, so if you have a chance to escape for some truly silly, delightful, compelling fun with Thor and the Gang, I highly recommend it.

Taika Waititi (the director) did such a fantastic job. The look of the film — so shiny and colorful! — the '80s throwback score, the retro feel that evokes camp sci-fi classics like Flash Gordon, the perfect moments of slapstick, everything about it just made me happy.

That is all.

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