Joe Biden Is Still Talking

Joe Biden just can't stop talking about how Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate and he totally woulda won if he'd run. And now he's at it again, saying he couldn't run because Clinton's allies and supporters would have been a bunch of big meanypantses to him.

Joe Biden, with a history of plagiarism, racist and sexist jokes, and losing to Hillary Clinton already in 2008, is sure that he would have won the election that she lost, despite winning the popular vote by 3 million votes. Because everyone would have seen what an amazing leader he would have been, even though he's an adult man who whines about how he couldn't run because people would have been unfair to him. Unlike how everyone is always super fair to Hillary Clinton.

I'm not impressed, Joe. And I can assure you I will remain unimpressed at least until 2020.

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