Suggested by Shaker eyeballsmccat: "Is there a question you wish people meeting you for the first time would ask? If so, what is it, and what would be your answer?"
I wish people meeting me for the first time would ask me what my preferred pronouns are. My answer would be she/her.
It's not because people are likely to misgender me, or ever have. I just wish that the question was so standard that it was asked of everyone.
I realize there will be people who roll their eyes and snort about "political correctness," but, seriously, I have a first name that has lots of different common nicknames — Liss, Lissa, Missy, Mel, Mellie — and probably 75% of the time I'm introduced to someone, they ask if I have a nickname I prefer, so I don't really think inquiring about preferred pronouns is really that big a stretch. Shrug.
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