The Wednesday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by hot sauce.

Recommended Reading:

Katha Pollitt: Year One: My Anger Management

Pam Merritt: [Content Note: Mass shootings; disablism] Mental Health and Guns: Journalists Aren't Asking the Right Questions

Sameer Rao: [CN: Misogynoir] Flint's First Black Female Mayor Faces Recall Election

Amie Newman: [CN: War on agency] "Uber of Birth Control" in the Crosshairs of Anti-Abortion Activists

Ragen Chastain: [CN: Fat hatred] Sitcom Mom Should Know That Fat Suits Aren't Funny

James Whitbrook: [CN: Bi erasure] Thor: Ragnarok's Valkyrie Shows How Far We've Got to Go for LGBTQ Representation on the Big Screen

Monica Roberts: Now There Are Seven Elected Trans National Legislators!

Sue Kerr: Holiday Cards for LGBTQ Elders and Youth

Kristen V. Brown: Gene Therapy Restores Seven-Year-Old Boy's Skin in 'Major Biomedical Triumph'

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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