Update from Shakes Manor

As promised, here's a quick update for those who want one on Olivia and Matilda...

Livs continues to recover nicely from her surgery to remove a mammary tumor. She has had surgery two other times in her life, when she was much younger, and both times she came out of anaesthesia roaring and ready to go and immediately resumed her normal schedule of high-velocity naughtiness. This time has been no different, even though she's now 13 years old. She is a tank!

And our adventures with the cone continued to delight last night and this morning, lol.

Meanwhile, the vet called me about this sassy old rag late yesterday.

image of Matilda the Fuzzy Sealpoint Cat stretched out on the carpet

Her blood work shows she does indeed have hyperthyroidism, which was the best possible outcome of the likely issues. Yay! So we just have to pick up her meds and get her started on them, and she should be feeling better in no time.

Iain and I are, as you can imagine, very relieved to have both of our girls on the mend. ♥

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