image of trees covered in snow
[Photo by Deeky, taken while he was visiting and shared with his permission.]

It's cold across lots of the U.S. (and elsewhere) at the moment, with lasting temperatures well below freezing in lots of areas and fixing to get even worse this week.

It's now a balmy 19°F by me now, which is an improvement on the 7° we had for a couple of days!

Here in eastern Pennsylvania, at least we're prepared for this sort of weather — as prepared as any human beings can get, anyway. That is, if we're fortunate, we tend to have insulation and coats and mittens and things.

It's cold as fuck in parts of the country where those things aren't typically necessary, though, and it's no joke to try to stay warm in cold weather when your house and your wardrobe aren't prepared for it.

These temperatures also make surviving very perilous for a lot of poor and/or homeless folks. There have already been a couple of deadly fires in the Bronx, which I suspect will be attributed to faulty space heaters, or other ways of trying to keep warm.

I hate this bitter cold. Ugh.

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