This list o' links brought to you by freezing rain. (Ugh!)
Recommended Reading:
Jenn Fang at Reappropriate: [Content Note: Racism] (Re)Constructing Asian Masculinity: Trump and the "Racial Castration" of Kim Jong Un
Samuel James at Black Girl in Maine: [CN: White supremacy; patriarchy; classism] How Does the President Get Away with All This Dumb Shit?
Mary Annette Pember at Rewire: [CN: Misogyny; racism; birthing danger and stigma] The Midwives' Resistance: How Native Women Are Reclaiming Birth on Their Terms
stavvers at Another Angry Woman: [CN: Discussion of depression] Five Things Wrong with Johann Hari's Comeback Book That I Spotted from the Extract Alone
Sarah Mulholland at Bloomberg: [CN: Video may autoplay at link] Why Some Shopping Malls May Be in Deeper Trouble Than You Think
Breanna Edwards at the Root: [CN: Sexual harassment] Mary J. Blige Talks Sexual Harassment at Golden Globes Event: 'Don't Touch Me or I'll Kill You'
Princess Weekes: [CN: Anti-Blackness] The Epic Snubbing of Get Out and Tiffany Haddish at The Golden Globes — Can We Fix the Comedy Category Please?
Colin Lecher at the Verge: James Damore Sues Google for Allegedly Discriminating Against Conservative White Men
Matt Novak at Gizmodo: Pfizer Halts Drug Research for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Because It's Too Expensive
James Whitbrook at io9: A Thor: Ragnarok-Inspired, 'Maiden-Wooing' Valkyrie Is Marvel's New Exiles Member
James Grebey at Inverse: [CN: Last Jedi Spoilers] Like Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley Also Had Concerns About Last Jedi Script
The Shameful Narcissist at Her Eponymous Blog: TSN's 2017 Top Games List
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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