Monday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by red pantsuits.

Recommended Reading:

Erika W. Smith at Bust: Here's How Maxine Waters, Kirsten Gillibrand, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Others Will Respond to Trump's State of the Union

Anh Do at the LA Times: [Content Note: Nativism] As More Cambodian and Vietnamese Immigrants Are Targeted for Deportation, Advocates Say They 'Can't Stay Silent'

Kenrya Rankin at Colorlines: [CN: White supremacy] Census Bureau to Ignore Obama-Era Recommendations for Recording Race, Ethnicity

Kevin Litman-Navarro at Inverse: The NSA Literally Removed 'Honesty' from Its Core Values

Princess Weekes at the Mary Sue: [CN: White supremacy; colorism; moving GIF at link] Rihanna's Victory in the Beauty Industry Changed the Standards for Diversity in Makeup

Katelyn Burns at Everyday Feminism: [CN: Trans hatred; class warfare] Here Are 4 Ways to Get Trans People out of Poverty Now

Angela Chen at the Verge: Americans Are Saving Energy Because Fewer People Go Outside

Scott Mendelson at Forbes: Why Marielle Heller Directing Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers Is a Huge Deal

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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