Today I'm giving a big thumbs-up to Ikea's Lurvig litter boxes!
I got the green ones; they also come in black and white. And they are only $4.99!
(Although it may look like three different sized boxes in the image, that's just the angle of the photo. They're all the same size.)
We've had them for a few months now, and the cats like them. They're far more attractive than most litter boxes, and the cats make no more mess in and around them than most boxes — probably slightly less.
Olivia is a big, long-bodied cat, and she fits fine in these boxes. Honestly, it seems like the oval shape visually encourages her to stand in a way that looks more comfortable than she looks in rectangular boxes. Cats and their circles!
So thumbs up! Especially on that price.
Anyway! Give us your thumbs-up or thumbs-down in comments!
[Just to be abundantly clear, I am not affiliated in any way with Ikea, nor am I receiving any form of payment from them.]
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