State of the Union Open Thread

image of Donald Trump screaming, to which I have added text as though it looks like it's tumbling out of his mouth, reading: GARBAGE!

Here is a thread to discuss Donald Trump's State of the Union address, and all the surrounding stuff.

A number of Democratic women will be wearing black in protest. A number of other Democrats are skipping the address altogether. Many Democrats have brought as their guests undocumented immigrants and/or other marginalized people affected by Trump's deplorable policies. The chair of the House contingent of the Congressional Black Caucus reportedly told the members they are allowed to walk out in commentary on Trump's speech, should they feel inclined to do so.

So there might be a lot to talk about, even if you quite understandably have nothing to say about the vile trash that comes out of Trump's reprehensible maw.

I'll be live-tweeting it. By which, as always, I mean: Drinking wine and rage-tweeting.


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